It is said that presidential candidate Mar Roxas is not even a real Roxas. He is an illegitimate, bastard grandson of Manuel Quezon, (photo below) when Quezon was still a Congressman.
Quezon sired a child illicitly with Trinidad de Leon, a hare-brained scion of a rich clan from Bulacan, while then Congressman Manuel Roxas was already about to be wed to Ms. Juanita MacIlvain, an Irish lady with real class. Roxas and MacIlvain already had their own flat in Ermita, Manila and at that same house, Roxas and Juanita raised the real Roxas family, a far cry from the bastard son of Trinidad with the gallivanting Manuel Quezon.
Photo credit: Philippine Daily Inquirer
History afficionado Toto Gonzales (photo above together with Thelma Sioson San Juan, Toots Tolentino, SM Shoemart's Millie Dizon), has this to say about Manuel Roxas and Trinidad de Leon in August 10, 2009:
“We joked him that he and Ache Eva were following in the footsteps of President Manuel Roxas and his First Lady Trinidad de Leon. Cong Dadong just shook his head. President Roxas and his First Lady Dona Trining were memorable for their marital squabbles, mainly because of his lady friend, Juanita MacIlvain — sometimes in plain view during functions, sometimes only the angry exchanges were heard behind those Malacanang rooms. Many of our older colleagues attested to that.”
“One time, [ Congressman ] Francisco “Paquito” / “Quitong” Nepomuceno brought some Angeles town officials to the Malacanang palace to meet with Cong Dadong. The waiting room had photographs of the presidents and their first ladies. When one town official peered closely at the photo of Ache Eva, Paquito warned: “E ca lalapit caya, abe! Quietan na ca niyan!” [ “Don’t go near her, friend! She will bite you!” ]. They all laughed. Well, to their amusement, the joke reached Ache Eva and she was livid!”
In November 2008, someone named Issima commented on Toto Gonzales' site that former President Manuel Roxas (photo of President Roxas' face on the 100 peso bill below) was a womanizer and that he was dalliancing with Juanita MacIlvain. This is preposterous bull shit of the first order. If Quezon in the first place did not "fall in love with" and make Trinidad De Leon pregnant, Manuel Roxas will not be tempted by Quezon, acting like Lucifer, with the Speakership of the House of Representatives and at the same time blackmailing him that he will only attain to that post if he will marry the now pregnant Trinidad De Leon and make her Mrs. Manuel Roxas. Quezon was the womanizer. But Toto Gonzales' friend Issima did not appear to be too predisposed to comment about Quezon. Perhaps, it is true what psychologists say, that if a man manifests an incredible predilection with too many women as girlfriends-lovers, it could mightily be safe to conclude that that man is a homosexual. And often, that gallivanting man is looking for a replica of "mommy" instead of a girl friend. Maybe former President Manuel L. Quezon was in reality a homosexual after all. Albeit a closet queen like her real granddaughter Mar Roxas (Quezon).
Another idiot, Lourd De Veyra states that Manuel Roxas' real love is a soprano. He couldn't be more wrong. He seems to be barking at the wrong tree always. Read the below excerpt of a column from Inquirer dated October 12, 2014:

Quezon did not suggest as de Veyra claims that Roxas should marry Trining de Leon. Quezon was in panic because a scandal of global proportions was about to break if De Leon was to be found out by her parents to be with child.
It is moronic to claim that the basis for Quezon's suggestion was that Trinidad was a beauty queen and her father was a senator. Roxas knew that Trinidad De Leon was the object of Quezon's obsession. Roxas knew that Quezon was in terrible panic mode. Roxas knew that if he did not marry anyway, he will never have Quezon's support and knowing Quezon when rejected, Roxas knew he would be politically dead.
On the other hand, another writer cites how Mar is not a real Roxas in an article in 2009:
Sen. Manuel A. Roxas II Mar, is the publicly known son of Sen. Gerardo Roxas and the grandson of Pres. Manuel Acuña Roxas. The subject also publicly affirms he is actually a grandson of Pres. Roxas.
Out of circumstances in the past, Mar became a homosexual. In the present time, especially under the influence of liquor, the subject confesses to close friends and associates his real trans-gender status. Subject however is publicly willing to shed the image of a homosexual by widely making it known he is engaged to and will wed Ms. Korina Sanchez on October 23, 2009. Mar has real blood relatives not formally recognized by the Roxas clan or if ever, grudgingly. The painful story of Mar’s grandfather and the secret love of his life, as well as his unpopular children by wedlock, is said to be among the issues that caused psychological hang-ups in Mar and his own father. Mar’s namesake, since leaving school, lived a relatively hermetic life preferringto be known as a “creative writer.”

Trinidad De Leon - The "love of my life" of Manuel Quezon that he could not marry. He wed his love to Manuel Roxas instead
Photo credits: Pinoy Kollektor
Mar’s own grandfather, did not love his own wife, Doña Trinidad De Leon from Bulacan. Instead, his one and true love was foreigner, an Irish girl, Ms. Juanita McIlvain, with whom he even had children but was forced not to marry due to the demands of his relatives and political expediency.
The Irish lady is the mother of the real Manuel Roxas, Jr. Manny, one of four siblings consisting of Manny, Cielo, Antonio and Charo Roxas. He won in the speech / oratorical contest in Ateneo called “Voice of Democracy.”
They lived in Ermita, Manila where Pres. Roxas secretly rented an apartment for his Irish lady love and their children. Another winner in said oratorical contest is one Francis Moran who became a brother-in-law of Manny.
The wife of Francis is the sister of Manny. Manny's sister's and Francis Moran’s child, Margarita "Margie" Moran, was the first Miss Universe, and is the true granddaughter of Pres. Manuel Roxas who now resides in Mindanao as Mrs. Tony Floreindo.
Mar’s father grew up in a loveless environment and this too had a debilitating effect on young Mar. The worse psychological pain Mar had to suffer is that possibly he is not a real Roxas. His paternity is not in question, but his grand paternity is totally in doubt.
When Doña Trinidad De Leon Roxas married Mar’s grandpa, Manuel, she was already pregnant with the son of Pres. Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina. Doña Trinidad became pregnant with Quezon’s child while Quezon was already the husband of Doña Aurora Aragon. With the promise by Quezon that Roxas will be made Speaker of the House of Representatives, Roxas was forced to marry Doña Trinidad in an arranged marriage even if there was no love between them.

Therefore, he is not a Roxas but a Quezon. Mar Roxas is supposed to be Manuel "Mar" Araneta Quezon III instead. He is a grandson not of Pres. Roxas but of the president preceding him.
Despite the fact, the arrangement forced the late president to make Gerry bear the Roxas family name and Mar thereafter.
The problem with the Quezon blood is that the late President’s Junior, Manuel “Nonong” Aragon Quezon, Jr., is a homosexual and Quezon may have passed down this quirk in his genes down to Mar therefore the subject also became a homosexual probably without even knowing that he will become one and just started feeling that he was actually a girl, instead of a man.
It is also no wonder, that his “cousin,” Manuel Quezon III, who is in media, is also another homosexual, or as he prefers to call himself, a “BADING.”
If Mar will use his real grandpaternity, he will share the same name, the same gender with the self-professed “BADING” Manuel Luis C. Quezon III (The Explainer), they share the same eye condition (both wear prescription eye glasses) except they do not share the same middle names. Because Mar Roxas’ middle name is Araneta while the other one (The Explainer) bears the middle name of Casas (mother, Lourdes “Lulu” Casas Quezon).
They don’t also share the same nicknames because as everybody knows, The Explainer’s nickname is Manolo and Manuel Roxas III’s nickname is Mar.
A large number of old-timers in the Liberal Party and real, true-to-life neighbors of the late Pres. Manuel A. Roxas, Sr. know this fact. Even perhaps Noynoy since he comes from a line of old-timer Liberals whose family friends are also old-timer Liberals.
The question over whether Noynoy will use Mar largely in the campaign is passé. Noynoy has the cards lined up against Mar.
An autistic president if that, and a gay vice president who is mistakenly bearing the surname Roxas. What more could be a livelier combination?
Now that Manuel A. Roxas II will become president of this country if he wins in the 2016 elections, may he be man enough to make a confession that he is bearing the name of Roxas when in reality he is a bastard child of Quezon. As constituents we the people deserve enough to be told what is the real identity of the one who will be our nation's leader.
If Mar Roxas cannot even be honest about who he really is, can we believe him about anything he will tell us in the future?
Originally posted in: Who is the real Mar Roxas?
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