UNODC provides thematic compilation of information relating to bodies responsible for implementing preventive anti-corruption policies produced in the context of the meetings of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Prevention. The information provided below is drawn from official reports produced by the Secretariat of the Working Group, submissions from States parties to the Secretariat ahead of meetings of the Working Group and presentations given during each meeting. Additional information relevant to the thematic topic drawn from other UNODC projects and resources are also provided.

Transparency International introduces technological innovation tools on how to fight corruption.
Information and communications technology (ICTs) are increasingly seen by governments as well as activists and civil society as important tools to promote transparency and accountability as well as to identify and reduce corruption. Download full file here
Anti-Corruption Agencies
Anti-Corruption Agencies
The number of Anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) around the world has increased dramatically over the past decades. Nevertheless, the value of ACAs is increasingly being questioned by international donors and national governments. Frequently, ACAs are not considered to deliver on the high expectations bestowed upon then. The question is by which measure - and how - we assess the performance of these institutions, and how we can best improve their performance. On this page you can:
Find out what it means when article 6 of the UN Convention against Corruption requires states to ensure the existence of a body or bodies to prevent corruption
Get guidance on how to monitor and evaluate ACAs
Read the UNDP publication on how to perform acapacity assessment of an ACA
Find recommended readings debating the role and value of ACAs
Find links to the relevant associations for ACAs around the world
The Proxy Challenge Competition
Do you have an idea on how to better assess anti-corruption efforts?
Help us explore the ways that proxy indicators can be used to better evaluate anti-corruption efforts by submitting a proposal in U4's "The Proxy Challenge Competition". Development practitioners, monitoring and evaluation professionals, and researchers are invited to participate. The best submissions will be rewarded!
United Nations Convention against Corruption
Background of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
In its resolution 55/61 of 4 December 2000, the General Assembly recognized that an effective international legal instrument against corruption, independent of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (resolution 55/25, annex I) was desirable and decided to establish an ad hoc committee for the negotiation of such an instrument in Vienna at the headquarters of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
The Convention approved by the Ad Hoc Committee was adopted by the General Assembly by resolution 58/4 of 31 October 2003. The General Assembly, in its resolution 57/169 of 18 December 2002, accepted the offer of the Government of Mexico to host a high-level political signing conference in Merida for the purpose of signing the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
In accordance with article 68 (1) of resolution 58/4, the United Nations Convention against Corruption entered into force on 14 December 2005. A Conference of the States Parties is established to review implementation and facilitate activities required by the Convention.
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